Subject Re: [Firebird-general] What's missing in Firebird
Author Nick Upson
In article <FOEPLGGEAAMBDMNJFBINEEFKAHAB.pbeach@...>, Paul Beach
> > > - Cross-Database-Queries
> Extend current SQL implementation to support database.tablename
> notation as was used in QLI. Firebird can do it, its just not surfaced
> in SQL. Sponsor?

As a long-time ingres A/P & DBA I'm happy to try and answer any questions
about it.

I don't know the correct name for it but Ingres also has user.tablename which
defaults to ingres.tablename but if joe has created his own copy then when
joe connects he sees his own table and would have to specify ingres.tablename
to get to the same one as everyone else

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