Subject Re: [Firebird-general] An Interview with Tom Lord of Arch on Versioning Systems
Author Giovanni Premuda
marius popa wrote:

>Best article i have read in this week / month
>Where i work we reached the limits of cvs very fast (for example
>distributed cvs servers) and i know it tells the truth.
We are evaluating alternative, too.
The problem is that from I have gathered surfing around is that arch has
it's own share of problems: it is painfully slow, it forces you to work
in it's One True Way, it's really awkward to use and quite far from the
stability of CVS. And the persistence of it's developer community is
constantly at risk due to Tom Lord's litigious attitude (they just lost
their release manager and nobody is willing to take the job anymore).
I have come to the conclusion that Subversion, expecially with the new
FSFS back-end, thought not as revolutionary as Arch, is a safer bet.
BTW Tom Lord continues to bash Subversion but never really explained his
complaints. Citing legLess on /.:

<--- Begin quotation

Tom Lord sounds like he got his argumentation skills by watching /Beavis
and Butthead/, reading JeffK
and getting into flame wars with trolls on

*Q:* What's wrong with Subversion?
*A:* It sucks.
*Q:* What's wrong with CVS?
*A:* It sucks.
*Q:* Can you be more specific about Subversion?
*A:* Yes. Subversion is teh suck. I realize that's a little inflamatory,
so let me say that the sky is blue, dogs are hairy, and Subversion is
TEH SUCK, fagg0t!!11
*Q:* Can you be more specific about CVS?
*A:* Yes, allow me to be more specific. It sux0rs. Hard. CVS is teh sux0r.
*Q:* What's good about Arch?
*A:* It rules. Also, I have a large penis. Fagg0t

--- end quotation --->

Giovanni Premuda - SoftWerk sas
Salita S. Matteo 23/2 - 16123 GENOVA
Tel. 010 2471222 - Fax. 010 2470822