Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: International PHP Conference
Author Artur Anjos
Armando Halpern wrote:
> A6-CMO Philippe Makowski wrote:
>>I don't think there is an english version
>>by the way it is a good paper
>>I 'll ask if there is an english version, if there is not, perhaps I could help
>>you to translate some part
> You have no need to. I'm comfortable with french. So, if you prefer, you can
> send it to me and I'll translate it and pass the translation to Artur (I'm also
> interested in that paper) :).

Philippe & Armando,

Thanks you.

I will use the french version as well. I should practice my french most
often, anyway. :-)

I'm not interested in the document itself: I just want to "still" the
organization and some ideas to build a simmilar one for Firebird.
