Subject Re: [Firebird-general] OfBiz and Firebird
Author Lester Caine
Marcello Mannino wrote:

> "We have seen reports of difficulties with Firebird SQL.
> key size too big
> If you search: Firebird SQL "key size too big" in Google you can find a
> lot of information on this issue."

I have had this problem in a number of other projects. OK some engines
can cope with much longer key lengths, but the main problem was poor
database design in the first case.
The TikiWiki database has a lot of long keys because they use long
VARCHAR fields for Primary Keys. TikiPro has tidied that up to replace
things like user_name with user_id, and indexes are considerably shorter
- and performance a lot better.

> Does anybody know if FB 1.5 solves this issue?

Simply copying bad design may not actually be solving a problem just
perpetuating it ;)

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services