Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Firebird Conference - May
Author Martijn Tonies

> >Just wondering if anyone could give me some feedback about the Firebird
> >Conference in May... I believe it is the second conference, how was the
> >first?
> Serious fun! Frenetic. Not much time for sleeping. Excellent facilities.
> Great breakfasts and lunches. Pilsener from a keg. Don't dress up.

Seconded - it was great, finally meeting people who have been
doing InterBase since, ehm, since, well, I believe since the
late 1920s... :-D

Lots of software developers - if not all - not much management folks.
Lots of things to talk about, mostly computers & software, obviously ;-)

> >I may be in the area and have the opportunity to attend... Just wondering
> >it would be worth my while.
> >
> >Who is it aimed at? Firebird developers? (That is, the open source
> >developers of firebird itself). Or application developers that use
> >firebird?
> The latter. The former are more likely to found on the podium. :-) Oh,
> one or two in cages, perhaps. (Starkey vs Samofatov)

App developers for sure - there will be topics ranging from very green
to very advanced. I bet there will also be people who never heard of
Firebird but are there to check it out and regret that they haven't used
it before.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions