Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Firebird Conference - May
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:30 AM 18/02/2004 +1300, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Just wondering if anyone could give me some feedback about the Firebird
>Conference in May... I believe it is the second conference, how was the

Serious fun! Frenetic. Not much time for sleeping. Excellent facilities.
Great breakfasts and lunches. Pilsener from a keg. Don't dress up.

>I may be in the area and have the opportunity to attend... Just wondering if
>it would be worth my while.
>Who is it aimed at? Firebird developers? (That is, the open source
>developers of firebird itself). Or application developers that use

The latter. The former are more likely to found on the podium. :-) Oh,
one or two in cages, perhaps. (Starkey vs Samofatov)

>Any info would be appreciated... I understand that a conference schedule may
>be appearing soon...

Holger Klemt (whose company organises it) has been collecting the session
outlines for the past couple of weeks - they should go up soon.

>Just looking at planning a trip, and really need an idea of where I will be
>heading. (I am in New Zealand... So it would be a long way to go :-)... )

Yup, it's one hell of a plane trip to do in one hit. Get there in time to
sleep before the conference starts 'cuz there won't be much sleeping once
you get there.
