Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Expression Evaluation not supported + ' ' +
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
Hi Ghanshyam!

Two things:

1) This isn't the correct list for this kind of questions. Ask in
firebird-support here at yahoogroups.

2) + is not a concatenation operator in SQL, just something some
non-standard databases use. Try
select firstname || ' ' || lastname as name from Employee
and be aware that if one of the fields are null, then the entire result
will be null (something || unknown = unknown)


At 07:38 25.06.2003 +0000, you wrote:
> When i am trying to execute the following query, i am getting the
>error "Expression Evaluation not supported"
> select firstname + ' ' + lastname as name from Employee
>I think firebird doesn't support + ' ' + syntax.
>If it is so, then is there any UDF or any other way for the same.
>Thanks in advance for any help.
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