Author Geoff Worboys
> Database .GDB must have option to encrypt and
> decrypt when established connection but not table
> encryption so do not slow query perfomance

> because every people can see our metadata and data if not encrypted

> i think header of database must be add any strong encryption

I suggest that you will be better served by using third party products
to achieve the encryption - that way you dont "pollute" the database
design with encryption for those that dont need/want it, and you get
to pick and choose from the various options available.

Various products are available that allow you to encrypt files or
disks or create virtual disks/volumes that are encrypted.
Previously I was using PGPDisk but its future is uncertain. I have
since found a product called BestCrypt ( which seems
much better than PGPDisk and has both Windows and Linux versions
available. There are many other possibilities.

For network security implement there are also various options to
choose from.

Most of these options will offer you better security and flexibility
than anything that can be built into Firebird. In my experience any
client with high security requirements has those requirements for more
than just database access. By choosing third party solutions you can
implement a consistent solution to meet all those needs.

(This is not to say that we dont need better security built into
Firebird, only that attention is better directed to the other
requirements rather than full encryption of disk or network data.)

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing