Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
Author David Jencks
Not that he needs my support, but I'm with Jason on this one. I thought
Jason was being pretty polite. This guy seems to have had plenty of time
for years to voice his opinion repeatedly, over and over again, that he
doesn't like something about Jason or his software, but won't supply even
one example? FUD FUD FUD.

david jencks

On 2002.04.12 19:53:47 -0400 R. Tulloch wrote:
> Hi:
> > If you are not willing to technically substantiate your claims, keep
> your
> > political trash talk to yourself. I've heard enough of it and I think
> the
> > community has too.
> After your comments and attitude I have not heard enough of it.
> Perhaps it
> should be directed more toward you.
> You are the one off the deep end here. He voiced a personal opinion
> that I did not
> see as sufficient to warrant you comment "keep your political trash
> talk to yourself".
> Lighten up.
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