Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
Author Ed Malloy

As I said earlier, anyone who wants documentation can simply go to the newsgroup archive. That is all the substantiation that is needed. I am not going to waste my time by going back through the archives of a newsgrup that I no longer am connected with. Since you seem to have that ability (as witnessed below) why don't you go back and count the number of times that you admitted to a problem that would be fixed in some forthcoming version. As to my fairness, well I will let the readers judge that for themselves: on one hand you atack me and on the other hand you support me ("I don't claim IBO is free of bugs ").

My experiences are MY EXPERIENCES and I'm sure that the are not unusual. I am not bitter over anything, indeed I am very happy with IBX and interbase and delphi. I simply don't want only one view of IBO to be presented in this newsgroup.

I will not respond to you characterzation of your past correspondence, except to state you you simply didn't get it then and apparently you don't get it now. I am sorry for that.


On 4/12/2002 at 12:18 PM Jason Wharton wrote:

>I'd like substantiation of what your bugs were. Feel free to send them to
>this list or the IBO list or to me privately. If you are unwilling to
>substantiate such remarks then I think that is a pretty unfair way to
>a product which has clearly built a reputation otherwise.
>I don't claim IBO is free of bugs and yes there is a lot of application
>development richness built-in to high-level modules of the IBO component
>suite that some find a little daunting, but I hardly think IBO merits the
>degrading tone you have leveled against it.
>Seems like we have already been through this once... Is there something you
>are still bitter over? I reviewed all our past correspondences and I can
>only see me trying to understand your issues and bending over backwards to
>try and make you happy. I didn't even see what the bugs you were
>were in your correspondences either.
>Jason Wharton
>CPS - Mesa AZ
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