Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
Author Ed Malloy

The documentation to my claim can easily be found at the IBO newsgroup, in the dozens of responses from Jason acknowledging that "he is working on ... " (or other such statements).

As for winning a a "reader's choice" award... well I think that speaks for itself.

I was only relating my personal experience with it (bolstered by the newsgroups pleas). I am sure that others are happy with it. I was not.



On 4/12/2002 at 5:32 PM Artur Anjos wrote:

>Hum... I really doubt that a 'buggy, buggy, buggy' software could achieve
>the Delphi Informant Readers' Choice (Database Connectivity) for the third
>year in succession.... I hate when someone use the word 'bug' in an
>And this is a Trustware software, so I recommend that you give it a try.
>sure your learning curve will be fast if you already use TDataset
>components. you don't need to use the other components if you don't want
>And support it's 5 stars!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Kevin Stanton" <Kevin.Stanton@...>
>To: <>
>Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 5:03 PM
>Subject: RE: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
>> I absolutely recommend IBO.
>> There may be a bit of a learning curve, but well worth it.
>> IBO has come a long ways over the years and I wouldn't think of using
>> anything else.
>> FWIW,
>> Kevin
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Ed Malloy [mailto:edm@...]
>> > Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 8:38 AM
>> > To:
>> > Subject: Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi Alfonso,
>> >
>> > IMHO the ease of use & reliability of IBX outweighs any possible
>> > advantages of using Firebird instead of Interbase. My experience
>> > with IBO was not a happy one, buggy, buggy, buggy, with tons of
>> > "features" that I didn't need and continual updates to fix bugs
>> > in the components I did use (gee, sort of sounds like an unnamed
>> > nw US software company, doesn't it!).
>> >
>> > hth
>> >
>> > ed
>> >
>> > ________________________________________
>> >
>> > On 4/12/2002 at 8:29 AM Alfonso Ricaqo wrote:
>> >
>> > >Hello all,
>> > >I've been using IBX since they were released with D5. Before i was
>> > >using FIB and BDE. But now, with Firebird, i'm doubting if continuing
>> > >using them (IBX) or not. My plans are to use only Firebird in all my
>> > >developments (i'm currently using IB 6.0.1 in some of them and
>> > >1.0 in other ones), so i want to know your point of view respect to
>> > >this issue. Could i continue using IBX in my next developments?
>> > >I've seen many ads regarding that IBO and FIBplus are better
>> > >components, but my applications use only a few thousand records, so i
>> > >don't think i need more power in connection software.
>> > >
>> > >Well, i'll wait for your opinions.
>> > >Thanks in advance.
>> > >
>> > >Best regards,
>> > >Alfonso Ricaqo
>> > >
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