----- Original Message -----
From: "Darryl VanDorp" <dvandorp@...>
> Would anyone be willing to give
> me a short description as to
> why i should use FB/Interbase vs.
> Postresql for a web application.
because for a real web app you should use a CGI toolset
like DWS (www.dwscript.com) and in DWS you have the
best connection to FB/IB via IBObjects.
CGI/ISAPI modules are superior to script only solutions
because the business logic is coded into the program and cannot be
destroyed by "webdesigners", the performance and security level can
be as high as you like when only using predefined, prepared queries or
as flexible as you need when using SQL in the script .
with DWS you have a PHP like script engine that you can fully control
in Delphi/Kylix.
And then all that was said about FB/IB in C/S applications is true
for web apps.
If it´s not a real web app but YAFG (yet another f.. guestbook), then use
access or MySQL or what ever is available because it doesn´t matter.
hannes hernler
DWS - Delphi Web Script
developing professional web apps
look at http://www.dwscript.com