Subject Re: [IBDI] Firebird install for Win32 executable name
Author David R. Robinson
> I have forwarded this message to the Firebird developer and
> administrator lists, since I think that this is something that the
> project members themselves should have the choice of.
> Please don't take this as a criticism, it is not.

No criticism taken. That's why I posted it -- to get feedback. :)

> Do you subscribe to the Firebird lists?

I think so, but I'm not sure I can post to them via the atkin mirror
since I am not subscribed. I wouldn't know which one to post it to
anyway. Where did you forward it to? If I'm not watching that one,
I'll add it if it's on the atkin mirrored list..

> (Actually, I had posted a similar message regarding the filename for
> binaries -- FBServer.exe and FBGuardian.exe -- on the Firebird list.

Yes, I think I saw that tread. If you change the server exe names, I'll
have to add forks to my scripts and add back the script compiler
variables that I'm working on removing for simplification right now. :)

David R.