Subject Re: Access to Firebird Sources without CVS?
Hi Claudio,

thanks for your hint - the source tarball is exactly what I'm looking

With 'evaluate' I actually meant to get the source code compiled. I
have evaluated the interbase 6.01 binary (on Solaris), and I am hooked
now- it's exactly what we need! I have built a 6.5 Gig Database
containing some million blobs for storing scientific measurement data,
and it works great.

But in order to push Firebird further in my organisation, I need to
demonstrate that we can build it on Solaris/Linux/Windows NT (as we
have a policy of _not_ using or shipping binaries that we haven't
compiled ourselfs). Further down the road we might need to port it to
HP-UX. I hope to be able to give something back to the Firebird
community eventually, once I'm getting into the code and can compile

Thanks again,

> > Hi,
> > I need to get the Firebird sources for evaluation.
> Are you going to evaluate the sources really? This will take
months! Or do
> you want to evaluate the behavior of the executable, compiled
Firebird? In
> this case, you'll need to download the compiled version for your
> > Unfortunately our corporate Firewill does not allow CVS to pass
> > through.
> >
> > Now before I start a fight with the system administrators, my
> > question is: Is there another way than CVS to get a relatively new
> > copy of the complete Firebird sources?
> With the installable downloads at
> there's a file called
> interbase0.9-4src.tar.gz
> or you could ask firebird admins for a more recent compressed
archive with
> the source code.
> C.