Subject Re: [IBDI] Firebird & Borland
Author Ann W. Harrison
At 01:53 PM 5/5/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>Which part? That Firebird is more active or that Borland retakes
>improvements from Firebird?

Actually, it's very hard to know what Borland are doing,
how active they are, what they take from Firebird, if
anything. Their source forge tree is a shadow - perhaps
more correctly a projection - of their internal tree.
We have no idea what goes on in the internal tree.

Firebird has integrated all but one of the changes that
Borland made to its sourceforge tree. That one remaining
change disables access to ODS 8 (V4) databases. It may
be necessary - we're still trying to understand the
problem - but I doubt it.

