Subject Re: [IBDI] Is Firebird non-profit?
Author Tilo Muetze
""Claudio Valderrama C."" <cvalde@...> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Whether Borland will release a totally revamped and revised version of
> their PDF documentation is another issue, of course. I have a beta langref
> that I cannot release because I worked on it together with Bill Karwin and
> Carolyn Stallard before July 2000. It still needs improvements, but
> to the known one, it's has many fixes. Since Borland didn't acknowledge
> offering from IBPhoenix to give up rights on the modifications if some
> guides were released with the changes merged, we can only hope that either
> the community produces an open source set of docos (Joseph Alba and Andy
> Canfield at Firebird, if I'm right) or that Borland releases a really
> revised documentation set. Did they do that with the certified IB?

Do you think it would be a good idea to ask Borland again if they ever will
release these docs? I think it would be a good idea *before* the Firebird
documentation project really starts. Maybe I could do it in the Borland IB
OS newsgroup?

Tilo Muetze
IQ Compusulting