Subject Re: Firebird HowTo
Hi Jason,

> >
> I'm not real happy about your comments in the FAQ (How To) about
the IBDI.
> Even if Borland and Firebird move their separate ways there is a
> need for IBDI.

Sure. Did I say anything else?

> It is also a voice for that segment of the community

A Borland segment of the community? Does that exist? It is my
impression that there are no contributors to the project managed by
Borland, except Borland employees. I wouldn't call that a segment of
the community...

> who is largely responsible for giving Firebird the possibility of
coming to life.
> It is the mother of Firebird!

Sure. But it's like in real life:

Once a child becomes adult, it has its own life. It's always nice to
keep good relations with parents, of course. But that's a
relationship between two adult persons, each of which has its own
identity. See, I don't always do what my mother wants me to and I
think Firebird shouldn't either. I hope for a sane relationship
between the two, based on mutual respect.

Now, what does that mean? For Firebird it certainly means that it
will respect the IPL and give due credit to Borland as required. It
also means Firebird will not try to use the InterBase brand, which
would be bad for both. What else? You should not expect miracles
here: The competitive environment is natural, because it's the
consequence of the fact that there are two source codes. Borland does
what's best in its own interest and Firebird is well advised to do
the same: Do what's the best for a strong Firebird OSS project.

In this context the voice of IBDI, which has positioned itself
somewhere in the middle between Borland and Firebird, cannot be the
voice of the community. Because the community if Firebird and its
interests are not necessarily the same like the interests of Borland.

IBDI plays a role that Firebird cannot play because it would loose
its identity as something distinct from Borland. The best role IBDI
can play is the one of a portal for users (and developers) providing
information and news from both sides, Firebird and Borland. I think
that's what IBDI does and agree it's important.

Did I get this right?

Should I try to make this more clear in the HowTo?
