Author Mark O'Donohue
Veli-Matti Hurskainen wrote:

> As a user of Interbase database server since version 1, I'm for forking a
> distro separate from Inprise's. I'm also willing to participate the actual
> work on an open source project.

I entirely agree , (Me as a former interbase user from some 8/9 years ago).

> And that's why, the IB OS community should
> use all effort to get Jim Starkey in charge of the IB core / CVS tree.


> That's why I hope Paul, Ann Harrison and co would start a business to sell
> support for open source IB (whatever the new, if required, will be).

I think this is really important, It adds a lot of weight to a project to have
the blessing and support/leadership of the original developers.

It also adds a lot if the project has a commercial life rather than being done
in peoples spare time.

The plan for ISC (now NewCo) had, I think is still the best one for the future
of interbase. And probably just as importantly, I think these are the right
people to run it.

Im new here, so excuse me if Im out of place, but I think that it's important
given the current state to get something going. Borland "own" ISC and
"Interbase" it was probably unfortunate that in the last 6 months all the Qdos
and good will wasn't being put into something a little more independant of
Borland - but hindsight is always a wonderful thing.

However something has been achieved the source is released, although that is
not the whole bannana it is at least a milestone.

I also think that without much effort, use of a CVS repository, the creation
of a "derivative product" with: new name and; perhaps some ammended licence,
that this would provide, an "interbase" pillar that is independant from
Borland. All without much financial commitment.

Again although this is not the whole bannana, it would serve as a parking spot
or focus where new install/compile scripts/ bug fixes can be worked out and
even over time some documentation/ automated testing could be put together.

An entity with some independance would then be in a better position negotiate
getting what they still needed from Inprise such as the documentation/test
suites in a round of negotiation at some future time.

My concern with Inprise withholding the documentation/test suites is that
Imprise is kindof thinking to get the geeks to do the work, then run the test
suite over it, put it in a box, and hey presto instant money.

I have not problems with NewCo doing the same thing based on opensource'ed
documentation and test suite. Partly it's the people and partly it's the sort
of honesty that opensourced stuff propogates - if the margin on the boxed set
is too much then someone else will do it cheaper.

I understand that it's been a long and hard road for Paul, Ann, Jim (and
others) on all of this, and I would understand if they decide to get out of
it. However I think there is still an opportunity for them to get this on the

I dont think its a commercial venture as yet, but it can start now, and
certainly has the potential to become all that ISC was hoped to be.

It would also be handly to know their (Paul, Ann & Jim) intentions, so that if
they are not interested, we either know what plan C is, or then apart from
knowing that we are lost, so that we can (hopefully) find someone else to take
on some this role, or we can begin grovelling back to Inprise.



> Veli-Matti Hurskainen
> Btw, no comments from Cognos, a former host of Interbase (and a much better
> host than Borland/Inprise), for a long time (except Diane Brown's personal
> attendance to the IB@mers -list). Could they be a potential sponsor to the
> community or a distributor (like Corel on Linux)? They still have Interbase
> as a natively supported db for their PowerHouse-products.

(Hey - Im an old Powerhouse programmer, it still gives me the chills, thinking
of programming on those HP3000 machines in qedit. "Starbase" was where I
started this trend.)