Subject Re: [IBDI] Linux (redhat 6.2) compile is working!!
Author Oliver Sturm
Hallo Mark,

Am Samstag, 29. Juli 2000 um 20:52:27, haben Sie geschrieben:

> Just in case anyone is interested.

> I got the linux version up and running.

> There were some trickies with recursive db file links/help/examples etc
> and I left out the myx.. (what was that chap from superman) forms thing
> which doesn't seem to be used.

> Otherwise the superserver thing is up and going and has done a few
> single queries etc.

OK, you beat me to it ;) I just wanted to get back at the task after
having read Ann's last posts... Now, how about you write up something
like a simple todo-list for it?

Oliver Sturm

I prefer using the door instead of the Windows...
Oliver Sturm / <sturm@...>

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