Subject Re: Site changes
Author Helen Borrie
OK, I changed the images from png to jpg format and now it works on both NN
and IE5.


At 11:15 AM 20-01-00 +1100, you wrote:
>From: Helen Borrie <helebor@...>
>Hi all,
>As you may have noticed, we're in the process of moving the IBDI stuff from
>the HREF site onto the site. We're static at
>the moment with a bit of work to do to switch over to Webhub control,
>dynamic pages and accessing the databases.
>Right now the subsidiary pages still link back to the HREF site so use your
>Back button rather than the links provided. I'm going to fix these as soon
>as we can organize logins for the people who are maintaining these pages.
>I need help with any Netscape users. I use Netscape and I'm not seeing the
>graphics on the new page. It works as expected with IE5. Please would
>others report in on what you see (after Reloading) when you hit the home page.
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