Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] Compression
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

> I have done a study of blob compression. The question was which is
> faster, compressing, writing compressed, reading compressed, and
> decompressing or just writing and reading un compressed.
> The results for a first generation Athlon for both zlib and lzw were
> terrible. Jpegs and pdfs are already compressed and were net losses.
> Text cost more to compress and decompress than writing and reading full
> size. Bummer.
> A more database friendly compression algorithm that traded compression
> for speed might help, but I don't have a candidate. I have some ideas,
> but no time.

Is NuoDB compressing data before it goes to disk or possibly even more
important in a distributed system when data goes over the network?

Did you have a look on Snappy, Googles compression algorithm used in
their BigTable implementation?

Currently, we are quite happy with it in a Hadoop/HBase prototypical
cluster installation with 8 nodes.


> Founder& CTO, NuoDB, Inc.
> 978 526-1376
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 4:05 AM, Thomas Steinmaurer<ts@...> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I don't know if this has been disccused in the past, but is there
>> anything on the plan for supporting compression at page/table/record-level?
>> Having less stuff on disk means there is less to read from disk and
>> ideally, not uncompressed but compressed pages are in the cache. This
>> also means that more data fits into memory/cache ...
>> Well, we are currently investigating various compression options for an
>> Oracle installation and a whitepaper discusses that CPU overhead for
>> compression/decompression is minimal etc ...
>> Comments, ideas ...?
>> Regards,
>> Thomas
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