Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] Re: Does the database 'need' encryption?
Author Alex Peshkoff
On 11/10/10 01:23, Jim Starkey wrote:
> I think what we have here is a set of users who want encryption and a
> set of developers who don't. In short, an impasse. And in the open
> source, an impasse goes in favor of the developers.
> 'Tis a pity that we never got around to discussion what an encryption
> architecture might look like, but again, that's the open source world.

I've already mentioned - we have plans to implement line encryption in
FB3.0 and may be page level encryption too. We have already decided that
we provide interface for users' plugins to perform actual crypt
operations. Right now I'm not ready to think and talk about exact
interfaces for it due to need to finish with generic interfaces first.

Sorry if this provided an impression that developers do not want encryption.