Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] Encryption
Author Sijun Kang
Jim, thanks a lot for sharing your work with such details. It's very
constructive. I might try something like this with he library you mentioned
in another post.

On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Jim Starkey <jstarkey@...> wrote:

> If anyone is planning to screw around with encryption, may I recommend a
> formalism that I developed a awhile back that may help. I'm afraid that
> I'm not in a position to donate the actual code (I sold it to someone
> else), but here is the description and abstract base class:
> /*
> Transform classes are designed to daisy chain together to do
> interesting things.
> A typical example is taking a SHA digest of a file. This involves
> three transforms,
> a FileTransform to fetch data from a named file, the SHATransform
> to perform the
> hash, and a HexTransform to mutate the hash gook into Ascii. The
> code might look like this:
> FileTransform file ("something.txt");
> SHATransform sha (0, &file); // encryption Transforms
> except a mode; sha doesn't
> HexTransform hex (true, &sha); // boolean says "encode"
> UCHAR hash[20];
> int len = hex.get(sizeof(hash), hash);
> To simplify things, I added some templates to automate the process:
> EncodeTransform<FileTransform,SHATransform,HexTranform>
> transform ("something.txt");
> UCHAR hash[20];
> int len = transform.get(sizeof(hash), hash);
> EncodeTransform, the template, is itself a Transform.
> A slightly more interest example is a function to validate a site
> password. The password
> is hash with SHA encoded in base64:
> bool checkPassword (const char *password)
> {
> DecodeTransform<StringTransform,SHATransform> passwd
> (password);
> DecodeTransform<FileTransform,Base64Transform> file
> ("site_password");
> UCHAR hash1[20], hash2[25];
> int len1 = passwd.get(sizeof(hash1), hash1);
> int len2 = file.get(sizeof(hash2), hash2);
> return len1 == len2 && memcmp(hash1, hash2, len1) == 0;
> }
> Transform can also be used to fetch, decode, and prepare keys in
> the same manner as encryptions;
> key are normally provided to encryption Transforms as a pointer to
> a transform from which it
> sucks the key. I also have a BER decoded that, surprise, takes a
> transform for input.
> I now have a good number of handy dandy transforms: StringTransform
> and FileTransform for data
> sources, HexTransform and Base64Transform for converting between
> binary and Ascii, a SHATransform,
> a DESKeyTransform to generate keys, a DESTransform (undevelopment
> w/ Tom's Crypto), an RSATransform
> to SSLeay and another underway for Tom's, and a NullTransform for
> who knows what. Finally,
> there are the template transforms EncodeTransform, DecodeTransform,
> EncryptTransform, and
> DecryptTransforms.
> My intention with the Transform Library is to produce an abstract
> layer to simplify and hide
> the differences between crypto libraries. None of the transform
> classes give a hoot how other
> transforms work, just that they can make a given transform for an
> upper bound on the number
> of bytes to be delivered and later, get the bytes in convenient
> sized hunks for any purpose.
> The semantics are simple. The method "getLength" returns a
> reliable upper bound of the final
> length. The method "get" must return all available bytes up to the
> size of the given buffer,
> returning zero when no bytes are remaining. The method "reset"
> prepares for another data cycle,
> resetting transient state but retaining keys and modes.
> Each transformation is independent -- none knows the implementation
> of any other. Transforms
> are designed to be daisy chained, each calling another transform
> for input data. While all
> transforms export the same base API, they can be loosely grouped
> into source transforms
> (StringTransform, FileTransform, BlobTransform), encoders
> (Base64Transform, HexTransform,
> DESKeyTransform), and encrypting transforms (DESTransform,
> RSATransform, SHATransform, etc).
> The main difference between the types are in their constructors,
> where source transforms
> get a character string or byte array, encoders get a source
> transform and an encode/decode
> flag, while encrypting transforms get a source transform and an
> encryption type or mode.
> There are also a number of template transforms to aid the process
> of forming daisy chains.
> The EncryptTransform, for sample, takes as template parameters the
> name of a source class,
> an encryption class, and an encoding class and is, in essence, a
> composite transform.
> Encryption transforms general export ad hoc methods for key
> specification, usually as
> transforms. These methods are necessarily outside of the base class.
> */
> class Transform
> {
> public:
> virtual ~Transform() {}
> virtual unsigned int get (unsigned int bufferLength, UCHAR *buffer)
> = 0;
> virtual unsigned int getLength() = 0;
> virtual void reset() = 0;
> };

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