Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] Major and Minor ODS Versions
Author Martijn Tonies
>> And I would rather have a simple SQL statement that would return
>> these things than an API call.
> Me not :) Two reasons:

I would :-)

> - the result set will contain rows with either numeric or text constants
> with some meaning. While this might be more user readable, the values of
> the constants won't be defined in some public API (ibase.h) and won't
> have so-to-say "official" status... But that is my personal thing...

- A SQL statement is much easier to test (connect -> test), even from

- A SQL statement can be used from any connecting interface (eg: ODBC),
no need to wait for special implementations in drivers or component-sets

- the constants text will have "official" status as the programmers define
them, just like SELECT has official status ;-)

> - statement call requires at least 3 roundtrips to the server. You might
> not see this while using isc_dsql_exec_immediate, but the roundtrips are
> there.
> But that is my personal opinion. And, I suspect, implementing the API
> call is easier than supporting such statement.


With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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