Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] rfc: TRUNCATE TABLE
Author Jim Starkey
Vlad Khorsun wrote:
>> The SQL committee not-with-standing, almost every serious designer
>> having contemplated the runtime and permission problems has decided that
>> TRUNCATE is a DDL, not DML, operation.
> Agree. Note, we already agreed to implement TRUNCATE as DDL.

If I can make a meta-recommendation, the Firebird project will be well
served if decisions were not made until the discussion was finished.
Racing to see who can first declare a winner is the kind of
organizational stupidity that leads to things like George Bush and John
McCain. I know that everyone out there is smarter, more experienced,
and more knowledgeable than I am, but I often find that other people
have noticed subtleties or contradictions that I have missed.
Open technical discussion is a very good thing. Rushing to close it off
leads to folly and things like MySQL.