Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] RFC: Clustering
Author Geoff Worboys
> - As you know, the 'random' numbers aren't (in a usually
> implementation) really random. The random number generator
> must be initialized with a 'seed'

Yes this is true. But you do need to acknowledge that this
failing is considered a bug in most situations. Writing code
to assume a bug will continue to behave consistently is not
a good idea.

> - If you talking about "now" as a variable which gets the
> current time, this isn't a problem in a LAN,

Down to 10000ths of the second? Even 1000ths of a second?
I suggest it could well be a problem even on a LAN, it is
certainly a problem in a more generic situation.

Whatever the actual situation with the above there are other
attributes guaranteed to give different results - for example
UUID/GUID calculations (usually based on MAC address). These
issues need to be resolved before your suggestion could be
considered viable.

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing