Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] Multi-level name space
Author Jim Starkey
Claudio Valderrama C. wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>[]On Behalf Of Jim Starkey
>>Dear Claudio: Why should we care? Is someone we care about likely to
>>write an application where "hungry.wolf" and "hungry"."wolf" are
>>expected to be separate distinct tables? And if he gets an error trying
>>to define the latter, are we to cry crocodile tears?
>Are you saying that's really irrelevant whether the first part of a table
>name coincides with a namespace and then is interpreted as as
>opposed to a simple table with a composed name?
Yes, Claudio, what I'm saying is that if the following sequence works:

create table "hungry"."wolf" (claudio int);
insert into "hungry.wolf" (claudio) values(-1);

the earth won't spin off its axis, the tides will still flow and ebb,
and harmony can still reign.

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