Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] User name SYSDBA
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:30 AM 3/08/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>I had rather thought that SYSDBA was an arbitrary account name generally
>used when creating new databases. In fact, it is hard coded in at least
>two places. Is this a really good idea? The idea of a magic account
>like "root" is pretty much discredited in favor of schemes that create a
>privileged account at creation time. Should we be considering
>eliminating the builtin SYSDBA in favor of the user name give when
>creating a database?

That would certainly discourage people from creating databases under the
SYSDBA login! Would it be a crafty idea to eliminate the built-in SYSDBA
*user* and instead have a built-in SYSDBA *role* that can be assigned to a
specified owner-user in each database.
