Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] Re: The Wolf on Firebird 3
Author Jim Starkey
Dmitry Yemanov wrote:

>"Leyne, Sean" <Sean@...> wrote:
>>I would argue that write-ahead log would be a determent to Firebird.
>>The engine is more that able to handle device failures without it.
>>v2.0 includes a new backup tool, NBackup, which provides for database
>>image and snapshot backup and recovery functions.
>Neither of them allows point-in-time recovery which is a *must* for any
>serious DBMS. So I'll be argueing that WAL or any other form of the redo
>logging is strongly required.
Funny. Interbase used to have an after image journal specifically to
support point-in-time recovery. It was almost never used. Borland
dropped it in favor of their write ahead log, which was itself dropped.

It would be easy to reimplement, however. But based on experience, I
don't think anyone would actually use it.

I do have to wonder why a feature that was dropped without a whimper
from the customer base suddenly became a "*must* for any serious DBMS".


Jim Starkey
Netfrastructure, Inc.
978 526-1376