Subject Re: [IB-Architect] ANN: Complete application demonstrating how to use SIBPROvider with Interbase; Wrote in Delphi + ADOExpress
Author Helen Borrie
May I suggest you post this at the ib-support list. The forum you have
chosen here is for discussing the architectural design of the database.

IB Phoenix will almost certainly be interesting in publishing links to your
demo. You could email pbeach@... or preeves@... to let
them know about it.


At 09:50 PM 11/01/2003 -0300, you wrote:
>I forgot to include the links:
>Download Employee Application at
>Download SIBPROvider from
>My excuses,
>Marcio Wesley Borges
>""Marcio Wesley Borges"" <marciowb@...> escreveu na mensagem
> > Greetings,
> >
> > A lot of people ask us how to develop applications using Interbase and
> > ADOExpress. This application is to be a guide for this people.
> > Various techniques are show, like: blob manipulation (images, sound
> > memo), array fields, DDL use for database update, several properties are
> > showing, charts, reports, filter etc.
> > It is a good guide to develop applications using Interbase+ADOExpress.
> > It use SIBPROvider like Interbase OLE DB provider, but with few (or a lot)
> > modifications, you are able to run it with others OLE DB providers.
> >
> > This version has the following features:
> >
> > 1.01a 2003-01-10:
> > * (new) Creating a new Database using only ADO;
> > * (new) Populating a ImageList with images from blob fields;
> > * (new) Populating ComboBox and showing images;
> > * (new) Using ADO and Decision Cube components to build usefull Charts;
> > * (new) Resize an image to fitch into a rect
> > * (new) Customizing painting in a ComboBox with images and text
> > * (new) Painting a text centralizing verticaly
> >
> > 1.00a 2003-01-05:
> > * Using DSO to bind a recordset from an TADOQuery to HTML table element
> > (like dbgrid);
> > * Build html and view it in Delphi forms (like a report) with a result
> > from a recordset of a
> > TADOQuery;
> > * Upgradding database schema (add/change columns, triggers, procedures,
> > views);
> > * Configuring database connection string;
> > * Check connection string is valid, else prompt to user to configure
> > connection string
> > * Testing a connection string;
> > * Getting connetion status (ask if server is alive);
> > * Working with transactions;
> > * Using SIBPROvider command/recordset custom properties;
> > * Getting the generator value assigned by server
> > * Using reports (DBGrid, HTML, QuickReport) with ADO;
> > * Use DBGrid to show simple reports;
> > * Updating a blob field with a image;
> > * Loading a resource and saving it to a blob field;
> > * Saving a stream to a blob field;
> > * Converting GIF to Bitmap;
> > * Converting Bitmap to GIF;
> > * Using sophisticated interfaces with end user, for edit, insert, delete,
> > filter, find and view;
> > * How to use simple interfaces with no code or few lines of code to edit,
> > insert, delete and
> > navigate records from a table;
> > * Feature full interfaces for edit and insert records;
> > * Get and show values from array fields;
> > * Editing and inserting data in tables with foreigners keys composed.
> > * Geting and displaying images from blob field;
> > * Geting and updating blob fields with sounds and music;
> > * Exporting bitmap files from a blob field;
> > * Finding records;
> > * Filtering records;
> > * Refreshing data;
> > * Assigning recordsets to TADOQuery;
> > * Loading and saving form or application state;
> > * Accessing TWebBrowser HTML DOM elements from Delphi;
> > * Using DBChart;
> > * Exporting chart images;
> > * Building complex and rich chart reports with SIBPROvider;
> > * Access Connection or Command or Recordset or Field properties from
> > Delphi;
> > * Populating a ImageList with images from blob fields;
> > * Populating ComboBox and showing images;
> > * Using ADO and Decision Cube components to build usefull Charts;
> > * Resize an image to fitch into a rect
> > * Customizing painting in a ComboBox with images and text
> > * Painting a text centralizing verticaly
> >
> > To be demonstrated in the next versions:
> >
> > * Handle Interbase/Firebird error codes from ADO;
> > * Intercepting OLE DB/ADO multi errors;
> > * How to use ADO Data Shapping with TADOQuery;
> > * Using Data Shapping with elaborated Charts;
> >
> > My excuses for multi-post, but I don't know were to post it and I
> > that all newsgroups listed above are interested about this.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Marcio Wesley Borges
> > Borland Delphi Product Certified
> > Brainbench Certified
> >
> >
> > "Marcio é especialista em Interbase e Firebird, programador fluente em
> > várias linguagens, desenvolvedor certificado pela Borland e desenvolveu o
> > SIBPROvider"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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