Subject RE: [IB-Architect] trouble with sweep
Author Dmitry Yemanov

> >2) It's unreliable. Just kill the server while a database is
> being GC'ed and
> >most likely you'll have your database corrupted. Just a
> real-world example.
> >Someone does a mass update/delete, then start a complex
> report, then wait
> >10, 20, 30 minutes - the server is 100% busy. One kills the
> connection - the
> >server is still 100% busy. One kills the server - and get
> the database
> >corrupted.
> That's gibberish. The backout code is careful write like everything
> else, so the database wouldn't work at all. And it's the same code
> whether kicked off by the GC thread or a worker thread.

I understand your scepticism, but I was giving you facts, not fantasies.
IMO, if a few people share with you the same negative experience, probably
something is really broken here. There was one GC related problem fixed
recently in the FB2 tree and probably there are others. Unfortunately, one
little bug may completely brake any clear and reliable design.
