Subject Re: [IB-Architect] OFF-TOPIC: Re: Query joins
Author Helen Borrie
Thanks for this description...I spotted the errors in the SQL and thought it looked more like a support question.

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At 12:00 PM 29-04-01 -0400, you wrote:
>At 09:03 PM 4/29/01 +1000, Helen Borrie wrote:
> >
> >Please read the rules of this list at
> This question is off-topic.
> >
>I respectively disagree. This is a problem only because Borland
>has considered it a support problem. It all likelihood it is a
>symptom an optimizer bug induced by a misunderstanding of the
>basic architecture structure of the optimizer. I Ray Mond
>wants a work around, support is indeed a place to go. If he
>wants an explanation or even better, a fix, he's come to the
>right place.
>There are (at least) three strategies for optimizers, rule based,
>cost based, and cop-out.
>Rule based optimizers use a complex sets of rules to heuristically
>determine an execution strategy. Cost base optimizers estimate the
>cost of each alternative using table cardinalities and index
>selectivities and pick the cheapest. Cop-out optimizers throw their
>hands in the air and let the users pick or influence the decision.
>Almost all neophyte database developers start with rule based
>optimizers. The smart one discover the problem is too complex
>to handle with rules and the dumb ones find another line of
>work or transition to cop-out optimizers (the Borland strategy).
>The firebird optimizer started as a pure cost based optimizer.
>Sometime during V3 development a user discovered that although
>it was able to optimizer a 17 way join to execute in about 30
>seconds, the optimization process itself took 12.5 hours. It
>was clearly time for me to get smarter. The fix was to add
>heuristics to prune the search tree. This involved two changes.
>First, only join orders that made sense were evaluated
>(uncorrelated tables first, tables reached by uniques
>second, etc). Second, at each stage an estimated cost for
>be case completion for subbranches is computed, and if greater
>than the current best case, the sub-tree is abandoned. This
>brought the time for the 17 way join from 12.5 hours to a
>few seconds without missing the best case.
>There is a problem with cost based optimizers is that they
>are only as good as the information available to them, and
>that maintain accurate information is prohitively expense
>(less so in the super-server architecture, but that is a
>different question). There are lots of pathological cases
>where the cost estimates don't extrapolate well to the actual
>cost. But these are nothing like the hash that rule based
>optimizers make of many simple situations. But I don't
>think this is the problem.
>Sometime during V4 somebody (who shall remain nameless) stuck
>in a couple of rules itno to the cost based optimizer that just
>plain broke it. It doesn't produce the wrong answer, which
>got it by Borland QA department, it just didn't work very
>well (which the Borland QA department could identify with).
>Plans were introduced as a work around for the busted optimizer.
>Plans are an admission of defeat. Pox of plans. Or more
>accurately, pox of the need for plans. Are there any compilers
>so lame that you have to tell it how to remove invariants from
>It sounds like Ray Mond has a lovely test case to debug the
>porker. Somebody should take it on and make the world safe
>for queries. Gentlemen, ladies: Here is a chance for great
>glory! Jump in, learn about streams, rivers, and tributaries
>to become the Exalted Optimizer Guru!
>Jim Starkey
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