Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Altering session characteristics (was planning the use of blr codes)
Author David Schnepper
Something I always needed & wanted to do when I worked full-time on
InterBase was an

isc_alter_attachment( <attachment handle>, dpb_length, new
dpb_block );

type call. Then you could switch roles, change character set, etc.
Potentially even change user_id without reconnecting (though that one
dangerous when there are existing requests -- as could changing roles,
charsets, etc)


> >
> Yeah. Although the Interbase role model is a single role
> identified at logon, a more useful model is multiple roles,
> each of which may be turned on or off during a session.
> Although I don't think this is the most critical short term
> feature on the menu, designing an interface that couldn't
> support it could be a problem down the road.
> Jim Starkey
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