Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Connection resources, classic vs. SS
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Starkey [mailto:jas@...]
> Sent: Lunes 26 de Febrero de 2001 18:04
> At 04:50 PM 2/26/01 -0500, Ken Richard wrote:
> >So, where can we buy netfrastructure?
> Are you trying to get me lynched by Helen?!!!

Hmmm, I think it's nearly impossible to kill a multi generational wolf...
or netfrawolf. (I think the best punishment would be to call you an
InterWolf... or maybe
J.I.M = Java InterClient at Massachusetts.)

> "Any and all references to Netfrastructure are strictly
> non-commercial and made for purely pedagogical purposes."

Let's face it, Jim: you have been sending subliminal messages to this list
regarding NE and now that you have brainwashed people, you refuse to tell
the price. Are you building the FB's ODBC driver at the same time than the
NE's ODBC driver?

On the serious side, since IB seems to be happier with no more than 16 MB
RAM, are there internal structures that could benefit from more aggresive
usage of RAM? Some internal data that could be maintained in RAM always,
