Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Where is the ODBC IB 6.0
Author Dmitry Yemanov
Hi Ann,

I hope the following information will help you. If you are interested in
appropriate ODBC trace log, I may send it to you as well.


'Not yet implemented' error while connecting to ODBC alias from Crystal
Reports 8.0. ODBC log tells that the first SQLGetTypeInfo call returns
SQL_ERROR as a result. You can see the traced source below (comments are mine):

// OdbcJdbc\Main.cpp
RETCODE SQL_API SQLGetTypeInfo (HSTMT arg0, SWORD arg1) // arg0 ==
0x02112390; arg1 == SQL_ALL_TYPES
TRACE ("SQLGetTypeInfo");

return ((OdbcStatement*) arg0)->sqlGetTypeInfo (arg1); // see below for

// OdbcJdbc\OdbcStatement.cpp
RETCODE OdbcStatement::sqlGetTypeInfo(int dataType) // dataType ==

DatabaseMetaData *metaData = connection->getMetaData(); // successful
setResultSet (metaData->getTypeInfo ()); // see below for details
catch (SQLException& exception)
postError ("HY000", exception);
return SQL_ERROR;

return sqlSuccess();

// IscDbc\IscDatabaseMetaData.cpp
ResultSet* IscDatabaseMetaData::getTypeInfo()
NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED; // the problem
return 0;


Once this thing is fixed, please let me know and I shall test the driver
again. I check out the driver source once a week to look for changes and
test them, but we all need to make the driver ready as soon as possible, so
I would prefer to get this information immediately.

Best regards,