Subject Re: [IB-Architect] plan of attack/plan for the future
Author Helen Borrie

Meet the Big Bad Wolf (
The guy about halfway down with the square yellow head, Dave Schnepper, is
the only one who's allowed to overwrite Wolfcode.


At 02:26 AM 25-06-00 +1000, you wrote:
>Excuse me if this has been answered before, if so, point me in the right
>direction, but has anyone decided upon the possible directions/goals that
>interbase(the engine) would be possibly pushed in and/or the possibility of
>a steering comittee for the furtherance of interbase(the engine)? From
>experience, i've seen projects founder because different people have
>different ideas of where a product should go, and allowing developers
>ability to modify the source code with no visible form of steering in the
>end always ends up leading to conflicting interests/goals for a product
>(further leading to chaos).
>Ungod (W.King)
>I found the answer, now where'd I put that problem...
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