Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Backups of large database & super transactions
Author Jason Wharton
> First the problem, then the solution.

I thought I had made the problem sufficiently clear. I'll recap and extend
it some to clarify.

Huge database. (many GB worth of data)
Database needs to stay on-line 24X7.
98% static & generally inserts only.
In case of failure, downtime needs to be minimized.
Immediate failover isn't critical.
Cannot lose over one day's work but up to that is tolerable.
All input sources are available for two days to be re-entered if necessary.

Obtaining an efficient backup on a regular basis.
Efficient meaning the total I/O and CPU toasted in the process, among other

Problem extension #1:
Same huge database.
Needing to be sync'd with many remote copies on a daily basis.
Real-time is not necessary.
Remote copies are for inquiry only.
Potentially low and/or expensive bandwidth constraints.
New base versions are express-mailed via DVD media or DAT.

Problem extension #2:
Same huge database.
DBA needs to cancel out an entire days work due to certain problems
Database needs to stay on-line.

Have at it. That should cover most of it.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

Now, I would like to share a comment or two from my perspective regarding
the content of this list.

What I would really appreciate is this list not be mandated to operate on
the strictly professional software engineering practices as I'm being jammed
into here. You guys that are actually responsible for what goes into the
source code of InterBase and shipped out on the CD with your reputation on
the line can do whatever you want in your own private meetings and
discussions. That's all well and expected. But, if someone like me who is
curious to know something about the architecture of InterBase in an area
where they have some ideas, let's explore them without running them through
the ringer making them dot their I's and cross their T's.

This is a community forum designed to attract people into contributing all
sorts of crazy ideas and for learning. Jim, your arrogance is really
distasteful and it will not bind a community together. You constantly
insinuate that I'm sharing stupid ideas without having first given them some
real thought and you don't hesitate to belittle and twist the material that
I am presenting. If you continue to dish out that kind of treatment I don't
think it is going to do any ultimate good for this open source/open
community endeavor. I may be sharing some stupid ideas and thank God a lot
of them will probably never be implemented. But, come on, I don't have to
feel like I'm an inch tall for doing it. And moreso, I don't want anyone
else involved with the IBDI to experience this either. I appreciate Chris'
more empathetic and suggesting tone. That's what will build a community.

My humble $0.02 worth.

Jason Wharton
InterBase Developer Initiative

InterBase will be the database of the new millennium