Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Backward compatability with previous versions of gdb files
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Schnepper [mailto:dschnepper@...]
> Sent: Lunes 1 de Mayo de 2000 12:31
> Jim is correct -- gbak is an extreemly well behaved application program.
> There *is* however, one special thing that Gbak does - there's a isc_dpb_
> option that essentially says "I'm GBAK restoring a database" -- and the
> engine then defers some constraint checking as rows are inserted
> into tables
> (this had something to do with cross-reference PK/FK tables).
> Dave

But it seems the engine doesn't do the work all the times. I have two or
three cases, one from IB4 to IB6 and the other two simple
backups/restorations in IB6 where I've seen a message like this, sorry I
don't remember the message, but the idea is:
cannot restore record: field is *null*

and when it happens, it happens on primary key fields, even if my db was
fully validated prior to be backed up. I cannot reproduce the error
consistently in ODS10, but it exists and with ODS8 to 10, I sent my backup
to ISC for examination when the beta testing began, because it was the only
case that always failed.

Claudio Valderrama C.
Ingeniero en Informática - Consultor independiente