Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Interbase Culture and Open Source
Author Joseph Alba
>What I am suggesting is that rather than
>'downgrade' the solution from Oracle or SQL server (i.e. an app that
>requires features / functionality from these DB's), 'Upgrade' an
>that would use Paradox, or Access or some other network DB to Interbase. I
>suspect these are mostly used because they are available for free (once the
>developer has the tools to generate the DB). Also, customers find out they
>get scalability for almost nothing.
>Andy Gibson

I totally agree. Like war books always tell you, it is important to choose
your battles well.

While positioning against Oracle, SQL Server is doable, it would be like
being a welterweight fighting against a heavyweight. I mean, those who buy
these products have the budget to buy it, and LIKE to buy at those prices
because they believe that being expensive means power, reliability, feature
rich, etc... And it makes them feel good. They can also say, our system is
Oracle based. We bought it for $$$$$ and maintain it with a budget of $$$$$.
And they feel good boasting about it. (Also, for the developers like us who
are able to do Oracle, it is also financially rewarding).

But there is a much larger market. The market now occupied by XBases,
Paradox, and Access. Now in this market, the present Open Source Interbase
(with royalty-free distribution), would be like a welterweight fighting a
five year old boy. That's pretty brutal, and can really be a knock out. This
is the market which IB community should first target. Also, this is the much
much larger user base because these are the masses./ the small-medium
business, the government offices on tight budgets, hospitals that need money
for health related concern, farmers who need software to boost production,
or even the housewife who needs software to balance her budgets. In short,
these are the real people. And these are where the big big numbers are.

Paraphrasing what Chairman Mao Tse Tung said, "You cannot win a revolution
in the enclosed/tightly guarded/rich city. Instead, take the revolution to
the peasants in the wide fields of rural outskirts. Then when you have won
the peasants, your large large numbers will engulf the small city."

(Not that I believe in Mao, my faith is in Christ. But in this case, his
illustration is applicable.)

Joseph Alba