Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Server Threading Again
Author Dmitry Yemanov
Hi Dmitry,

> Experiments with IB 5.6 shows that:
> 1. at first there are as many threads, as newly connected users.
> 2. after some time threads count begin to shrink
> I.e. if there were ~150 threads for 150 clients when server started,
> after an hour there were ~50-70 threads per same 150 client connections.
> All clients during test were busy executing one short query again and again
> (without pauses).
> Also some people found that threadvars in UDFs may have the same values
> for different client connections.
> I haven't looked sources to clear this issue, but I'm sure that
> IB shares connection between threads. At least nobody refused this yet. :-)

Thanks. I supposed it, but wasn't sure enough. Would anyone like to propose
a brief explanation of the server threads and their using by connections?
It seems to be useful. Ann, Jim, Charlie, anyone else?

> I suggest you to test this application with heavy load, I mean a lot of
> concurrent connections.

Will be done without a doubt. When the app will be ready, of course ;-)

Best regards,