Subject RE: [IB-Architect] UDF and null
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:10 PM 04-12-00 -0500, you wrote:

>The software world today is radically different from when I originally
>designed and implemented UDFs. Processors are blindingly fast, memory
>is dirt cheap and plentiful, and we have more sophisticated tools
>and infrastructures for designing systems. As designers, we need
>to remember that all designs are compromises, and if the world changes,
>compromises need to be revisited from time to time.

Ah, those sweet, innocent days of the mid-eighties when Windows was just an
idea in a potting shed, the Internet was not a hangout for vandals with
high IQs, VB-script had not been invented and database designers designed
databases that were intrinsically stunning to behold.

>Java is the idea solution to database embedded UDFs. Java code
>runs in a controlled sandbox. A Java method cannot see, let along
>change, anything that is not within the sandbox. Java cannot leak
>memory (a JVM can, but that is a bug). A Java method can be safely
>unwound without lose of resource or danger of deadlock. Resources,
>memory and processor, can monitored and constrained. Java, as an
>object oriented language, provides a mechanism through which arbitrary
>context can be made available to a UDF, including connection handling.
>Java has a well defined exception mechanism, allowing a UDF to cry
>for help. Java code is intrinsically cross platform and can be
>readily stored within the database itself, permitting backup of
>the UDF itself, not just its name. Java is a stable, widely
>respected standard with dozens of independent JVM implementations.
>And Java has a debug architecture consistent with remote debugging.

All of the above. But Java also inflates the installation footprint. As
you said, compromises...


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