Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Re: Character Set for System Tables
Author Helen Borrie
Oh, and while we are at it, there is a need to up the absurd 78 byte limit
on the exception message text!! That's 39 or 26 unicode characters,
depending on byte much disk does RDB$EXCEPTIONS eat, after all...


At 02:13 PM 17-11-00 +1100, you wrote:
>At 02:24 AM 17-11-00 +0100, Luc Franzen wrote in the mers list:
> >In german we've got the 'Umlaute' (äöü) and I haven't had a need to save
> >field-names including them so far (okay, I can bypass it by ae, oe, ue
> >and it wouldn't lead to misunderstandings, but quite often I use english
> >names anyway - sql is in english, too...) - but there are more annoying
> >things about that issue: like NOT BEING ABLE to save Unicode (or at
> >least CharSets) in exceptions.
> >
> >Hope, this will be changed.
>Can we do this in some sensible way, even perhaps moving the RDB$MESSAGE
>and RDB$DESCRIPTION into a separate relation in which the charset can be
>create exception TOO_DAMP charset FSS_UNICODE 'Es gibt Sprühregen in
>Osnabrück', charset NONE 'It is drizzling in Osnabruck'
>would store
>RDB$DESCRIPTION <BLOB> (doesn't seem to be accessible, anyway)
>RDB$MESSAGE 'Es gibt Sprühregen in Osnabrück'
>RDB$MESSAGE It is drizzling in Osnabruck'
>and the database would be smart about binding the message choice to the
>charset specified in SET NAMES.
>One more thing for gbak to know about for upward conversions, I guess.
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